Эти фото, подтверждают, что герцогиня Кембриджская и принц Уильям  . . . они такие же как мы! И воспитание детей у всех вызывает сложности и требует огромного терпения. Несмотря на то, что Кейт Миддлтон кажется до неприличия идеальной матерью, которая всегда прекрасно выглядит, все-таки порой за глянцевыми снимками видны искренние эмоции, знакомые каждой матери на свете.

When she had to field rogue and angry hair pulls.

When she watched her child hilariously struggle with a new concept, like bubble-blowing.

When she had to pry an inanimate object out of a baby

When she had to give her son a pep talk so he wouldn

When she had to dress and redress her toddler a million times.

When she up and left her crying toddler to her partner because she just could not deal.

When she feigned excitement about her child

When she put great effort into her family

When she had to remind her excited child to thank someone for a gift they received.

When she acted like the thing her kid was doing was 10 times more amazing than it was.

When she answered the "Mom, look at that!" call for the millionth time.

When she glowed watching the world through her child

When she wanted a simple family photo but her child had different ideas.

When she looked at someone offering to entertain her child with skeptical disbelief.

When she looked lovingly at her partner interacting with their child.


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