25-летняя шведка Пикси Фокс, проживающая в США, всегда восхищалась героинями мультфильмов, которые по её мнению, обладают просто идеальными внешними данными. Девушка тоже хотела стать идеальной, и однажды решилась на полное изменение своей внешности с помощью пластической хирургии.

***EXCLUSIVE***VIDEO AVAILABLE***NORTH CAROLINA, USA - NOV 4, 2015: An image of Pixee Fox, 25, measuring her waist after her rib removal surgery on November 4, 2015, in North Carolina, USA. A SURGERY loving model has had SIX RIBS removed - to look like a CARTOON character. Former electrician Pixee Fox, from North Carolina, USA, had already spent more than £70,000 on plastic surgery attempting to sculpt the perfect hourglass figure. But now she has taken her obsession even further by having her lower ribs removed - so she can shrink her waist to a record-breaking 14 inches. The 25-year-old, who is originally from Sweden, says she was inspired by animated characters like Jessica Rabbit, Aurora from Sleeping Beauty and Holli Would from Cool World. The extreme five-hour keyhole surgery operation cost £6,000 and was performed by plastic surgeon Dr Barry Eppley in Indianapolis, Indiana in October. The operation, which is irreversible, is usually performed for medical reasons but can be used for cosmetic purposes after extensive consultation. PHOTOGRAPH BY Ruaridh Connellan / Barcroft USA UK Office, London. T +44 845 370 2233 W www.barcroftmedia.com USA Office, New York City. T +1 212 796 2458 W www.barcroftusa.com Indian Office, Delhi. T +91 11 4053 2429 W www.barcroftindia.com

Для того, чтобы достичь своей цели Пикси понадобилось почти 120 тысяч долларов и 19 пластических операций, в том числе несколько ринопластик, липосакция, подтяжка век, увеличение губ и груди.

Однако, самой удивительной и необычной стала операция, которую провели в Индианаполисе около месяца назад. Для того, чтобы достичь рекордно тонкой талии и стать ещё более похожей на мульт-героиню, девушка решилась на удаление шести рёбер.

***EXCLUSIVE***VIDEO AVAILABLE***NORTH CAROLINA, USA - NOV 4, 2015: Pixee Fox, 25, after her rib removal surgery surgeon on November 4, 2015, in North Carolina, USA. A SURGERY loving model has had SIX RIBS removed - to look like a CARTOON character. Former electrician Pixee Fox, from North Carolina, USA, had already spent more than £70,000 on plastic surgery attempting to sculpt the perfect hourglass figure. But now she has taken her obsession even further by having her lower ribs removed - so she can shrink her waist to a record-breaking 14 inches. The 25-year-old, who is originally from Sweden, says she was inspired by animated characters like Jessica Rabbit, Aurora from Sleeping Beauty and Holli Would from Cool World. The extreme five-hour keyhole surgery operation cost £6,000 and was performed by plastic surgeon Dr Barry Eppley in Indianapolis, Indiana in October. The operation, which is irreversible, is usually performed for medical reasons but can be used for cosmetic purposes after extensive consultation. PHOTOGRAPH BY Ruaridh Connellan / Barcroft USA UK Office, London. T +44 845 370 2233 W www.barcroftmedia.com USA Office, New York City. T +1 212 796 2458 W www.barcroftusa.com Indian Office, Delhi. T +91 11 4053 2429 W www.barcroftindia.com


«Люди часто говорят мне: Одумайся, перестань уродовать своё тело, ты выглядишь как персонаж мультфильма!», — рассказывает Пикси. — «Но этим они только делают мне комплимент, потому что быть похожей на мультипликационного персонажа — это то, чего я и хотела достичь. Посмотрите на них, они ведь просто идеал женского тела. Я тоже хочу иметь тонкую талию, круглую попу, большую грудь, большие глаза и по-настоящему красивое лицо. Удаление рёбер стало лишь очередным шагом на пути достижения моей цели».

***EXCLUSIVE***VIDEO AVAILABLE***STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN - UNDATED: A collect image of Pixee Fox in her late teens before she began her surgeries in Stockholm, Sweden. A SURGERY loving model has had SIX RIBS removed - to look like a CARTOON character. Former electrician Pixee Fox, from North Carolina, USA, had already spent more than £70,000 on plastic surgery attempting to sculpt the perfect hourglass figure. But now she has taken her obsession even further by having her lower ribs removed - so she can shrink her waist to a record-breaking 14 inches. The 25-year-old, who is originally from Sweden, says she was inspired by animated characters like Jessica Rabbit, Aurora from Sleeping Beauty and Holli Would from Cool World. The extreme five-hour keyhole surgery operation cost £6,000 and was performed by plastic surgeon Dr Barry Eppley in Indianapolis, Indiana in October. The operation, which is irreversible, is usually performed for medical reasons but can be used for cosmetic purposes after extensive consultation. PHOTOGRAPH BY Ruaridh Connellan / Barcroft USA UK Office, London. T +44 845 370 2233 W www.barcroftmedia.com USA Office, New York City. T +1 212 796 2458 W www.barcroftusa.com Indian Office, Delhi. T +91 11 4053 2429 W www.barcroftindia.com

***EXCLUSIVE***VIDEO AVAILABLE***STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN - UNDATED: A collect image of Pixee Fox in her late teens before she began her surgeries in Stockholm, Sweden. A SURGERY loving model has had SIX RIBS removed - to look like a CARTOON character. Former electrician Pixee Fox, from North Carolina, USA, had already spent more than £70,000 on plastic surgery attempting to sculpt the perfect hourglass figure. But now she has taken her obsession even further by having her lower ribs removed - so she can shrink her waist to a record-breaking 14 inches. The 25-year-old, who is originally from Sweden, says she was inspired by animated characters like Jessica Rabbit, Aurora from Sleeping Beauty and Holli Would from Cool World. The extreme five-hour keyhole surgery operation cost £6,000 and was performed by plastic surgeon Dr Barry Eppley in Indianapolis, Indiana in October. The operation, which is irreversible, is usually performed for medical reasons but can be used for cosmetic purposes after extensive consultation. PHOTOGRAPH BY Ruaridh Connellan / Barcroft USA UK Office, London. T +44 845 370 2233 W www.barcroftmedia.com USA Office, New York City. T +1 212 796 2458 W www.barcroftusa.com Indian Office, Delhi. T +91 11 4053 2429 W www.barcroftindia.com

Сама девушка с удовольствием демонстрирует своё тело и делится откровенными фотографиями в социальных сетях. А так же рассказывает своим подписчикам о прошедших и предстоящих операциях. На сегодняшний день на Instagram Пикси Фокс подписано более 70 000 человек.

***EXCLUSIVE***VIDEO AVAILABLE***NORTH CAROLINA, USA - NOV 4, 2015: A portrait image of Pixee Fox, 25, drinking a smoothie after her from rib removal surgery on November 4, 2015, in North Carolina, USA. A SURGERY loving model has had SIX RIBS removed - to look like a CARTOON character. Former electrician Pixee Fox, from North Carolina, USA, had already spent more than £70,000 on plastic surgery attempting to sculpt the perfect hourglass figure. But now she has taken her obsession even further by having her lower ribs removed - so she can shrink her waist to a record-breaking 14 inches. The 25-year-old, who is originally from Sweden, says she was inspired by animated characters like Jessica Rabbit, Aurora from Sleeping Beauty and Holli Would from Cool World. The extreme five-hour keyhole surgery operation cost £6,000 and was performed by plastic surgeon Dr Barry Eppley in Indianapolis, Indiana in October. The operation, which is irreversible, is usually performed for medical reasons but can be used for cosmetic purposes after extensive consultation. PHOTOGRAPH BY Ruaridh Connellan / Barcroft USA UK Office, London. T +44 845 370 2233 W www.barcroftmedia.com USA Office, New York City. T +1 212 796 2458 W www.barcroftusa.com Indian Office, Delhi. T +91 11 4053 2429 W www.barcroftindia.com


***EXCLUSIVE***VIDEO AVAILABLE***NORTH CAROLINA, USA - OCT 15, 2015: Pixee Fox, 25, undergoing a botox operation in a surgery on October 15, 2015, in North Carolina, USA. A SURGERY loving model has had SIX RIBS removed - to look like a CARTOON character. Former electrician Pixee Fox, from North Carolina, USA, had already spent more than £70,000 on plastic surgery attempting to sculpt the perfect hourglass figure. But now she has taken her obsession even further by having her lower ribs removed - so she can shrink her waist to a record-breaking 14 inches. The 25-year-old, who is originally from Sweden, says she was inspired by animated characters like Jessica Rabbit, Aurora from Sleeping Beauty and Holli Would from Cool World. The extreme five-hour keyhole surgery operation cost £6,000 and was performed by plastic surgeon Dr Barry Eppley in Indianapolis, Indiana in October. The operation, which is irreversible, is usually performed for medical reasons but can be used for cosmetic purposes after extensive consultation. PHOTOGRAPH BY Ruaridh Connellan / Barcroft USA UK Office, London. T +44 845 370 2233 W www.barcroftmedia.com USA Office, New York City. T +1 212 796 2458 W www.barcroftusa.com Indian Office, Delhi. T +91 11 4053 2429 W www.barcroftindia.com

***EXCLUSIVE***VIDEO AVAILABLE***NORTH CAROLINA, USA - OCT 15, 2015: Pixee Fox, 25, doing the splits in her local gym before her rib removal surgery on October 15, 2015, in North Carolina, USA. A SURGERY loving model has had SIX RIBS removed - to look like a CARTOON character. Former electrician Pixee Fox, from North Carolina, USA, had already spent more than £70,000 on plastic surgery attempting to sculpt the perfect hourglass figure. But now she has taken her obsession even further by having her lower ribs removed - so she can shrink her waist to a record-breaking 14 inches. The 25-year-old, who is originally from Sweden, says she was inspired by animated characters like Jessica Rabbit, Aurora from Sleeping Beauty and Holli Would from Cool World. The extreme five-hour keyhole surgery operation cost £6,000 and was performed by plastic surgeon Dr Barry Eppley in Indianapolis, Indiana in October. The operation, which is irreversible, is usually performed for medical reasons but can be used for cosmetic purposes after extensive consultation. PHOTOGRAPH BY Ruaridh Connellan / Barcroft USA UK Office, London. T +44 845 370 2233 W www.barcroftmedia.com USA Office, New York City. T +1 212 796 2458 W www.barcroftusa.com Indian Office, Delhi. T +91 11 4053 2429 W www.barcroftindia.com



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